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Job Point
Got Jobs? Milk Carton Front
Got Jobs? Milk Carton Side
Got Jobs? Milk Carton Back
Got Jobs? Milk Carton Other Side
Got Jobs? Table Design
Got Jobs? Table Design 2
Got Jobs? Sign #1
Got Jobs? Sign #2

Job Point - Got Jobs?

Job Point (Columbia, MO) hired Creative Ink Marketing Firm at Stephens College to design an event, from concept to execution. This event was a Job Point-sponsored Chamber of Commerce Breakfast meeting.

Job Point’s primary goal for this event was to encourage the attendees to find open positions within their companies for which Job Point’s clients could apply. The secondary goal was to raise money, as is usually the case with nonprofit organizations.


The concept I created, along with my Account Executive, Alexandra Wilson, was called, “Got Jobs?”, a play on the “Got Milk?” ad campaign. 


The following deliverables were created:

  • A take-home coin bank for each attendee, with which they could collect their “milk money,” or spare cash to donate. Three sides of the carton depict an anonymous blue-collar worker, while the fourth explained how to use the carton.

  • Table decor that included vases, floral arrangments, chocolate coins, and classified pages from the newspaper.

  • Five banners that represented Job Point’s needs from the community.

  • A handout for each place setting that reinforced the five types of action and listed the Board of Directors.

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